Legal Notice

Provider identification (under Article 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz))
Voltastraße 31
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Responsible directors/authorised representatives: Stefan Dangel, Francesco Loth
ETECTURE GmbH, Voltastraße 31, 60486 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon +49 69 67737-0

Registered office of the company and registry court
Commercial register: Frankfurt – HRB 56449
VAT ID No.: DE227219341


All the data and information on our website has been carefully researched and checked by ETECTURE GmbH or third parties. Nevertheless ETECTURE GmbH or third parties cannot provide any guarantee for its flawlessness, precision, completeness or currency. Any liability for losses which directly or indirectly result from the use this website is excluded, unless it results from wilful misconduct or gross negligence. Insofar as this website refers to websites operated by third parties, ETECTURE GmbH accepts no responsibility for their content.

No consulting
The information provided on this website does not constitute individual consulting and cannot replace such a service. Our employees are available for individual consulting meetings.

© ETECTURE GmbH, Frankfurt. All rights reserved. Text, photographs, graphics, sound, animations and videos and their arrangement on the ETECTURE GmbH website are subject to the protection of copyright laws and other protective legislation. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, altered or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Please note that photographs on the website may be subject to copyrights of third parties.

Unless stated otherwise, all trademarks of the ETECTURE GmbH website are protected under trademark laws. This particularly applies for ETECTURE trademarks, type labels, company logos, emblems and lettering.

Right to information
At your request you can obtain information at any time and free of charge on the personal data concerning you that we are storing. You also have the right to the rectification of incorrect data, blocking and erasure (provided that this is possible under applicable laws). If you use the contact form within this service or access or transmit information, the data transmission occurs via the Internet without encryption and is not protected from access by unauthorised persons. E-mails that you send to us directly are not encrypted.