Innovation Partnerships: The Secret Sauce Revealed
There might not be one single blueprint to automatically render any attempt in digital transformation into an uninterrupted success story, but at ETECTURE we have spotted a promising pattern: "Innovation partnerships" are our proven method to enable and accomplish transformation.
On March, we presented our case labeled "Innovation Partnerships: The Secret Sauce Revealed" at the World Class Digital Transformation & Innovation Conference in Frankfurt,together with MOSOLF. In the presentation the focus was on how corporate innovation and digital transformation may go hand in hand in order to promote and propel a successful transition from an analogue company into a digitally driven business.
Our case starts from a simple truth about digital transformation: It’s not just about digital or innovation – it’s about delivering solutions, that accomplish business needs. Here we showcase, how the endeavor can be leveraged by identifying key-drivers, that help to make things happen.
As the challenge of digital transformation itself has already shifted and evolved, the question no longer is, how to digitize in order to improve utilization, but how to remain relevant in a fully digitized market.
This brings about changes for the identity of consultants and solution providers as well. As Digital Architects we understand ourselves as partners, that enable and push each other in order to transform and innovate. In that sense we believe, that if we play our cards right, we can all thrive and grow together.
Experience our talk
Now you have the opportunity to experience our presentation in full length once again. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me.